Philip Read
Public Relations Specialist
Lillian Vernon Website

Lilly's Kids Website
Lillian Vernon's catalog features a host of items which can be tailored to each person on your list. Follow
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Simplify Holiday Shopping Online
Lillian Vernon VP Offers 10 Tips For Internet Ordering

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Virginia Beach, Va.—“The simplicity and speed of ordering online lures many holiday shoppers, but consumers who look beyond the few keystrokes needed to place an order usually have the best experiences,” advises Kristen Montella, Vice President of Lillian Vernon Online.

Here are Montella’s “10 Tips For Faster, Easier Online Shopping”:

1)      READ! Online shopping’s greatest advantage is consumer information. “Lillian Vernon’s website offers advice about everything from shipping options to monogramming how-to’s,” says Montella.

2)      When shopping with a company or website unfamiliar to you, review the FAQs before you place an order.  “FAQs address basics—shipping and payment options, return policies. It’s a quick way to evaluate who you’re doing business with,” says Montella.

3)      Utilize special website features.  “Our Lillian Vernon and Lilly’s Kids websites enable customers to review and rate products, so shoppers can better determine whether the item suits their needs,” Montella notes.

4)      If ordering both from a company’s website and their catalog, check for different special offers.  “Discount and promotional codes are sometimes sent in emails or printed on catalogs,” Montella observes. “Choose the most advantageous offer: many companies limit you to one per order.”

5)      Review ALL the information you key and any records kept on file. Apartment numbers and accurate zip codes are crucial to trouble-free shipping.  “While your usual carrier may know where to find you, they may not be the driver during the busy holiday season!” Montella says. “Always use complete billing and shipping addresses.”

6)      Check your emails and add companies used to your “trusted senders” list! “Lillian Vernon emails updates about customer orders,” Montella says. “Take a few minutes to scan your in-box for important correspondence.”

7)      Sign-up to receive emails about those “special online promotions.” “Many companies sweeten their deals as the holidays near,” says Montella, “You’ll never know unless you sign up!”

8)      Establish a unique email address specifically for online shopping.  “Online shoppers often find this helpful for keeping track of purchases,” Montella suggests. “It also enables consumers to stay informed about special offers without the consequence of a cluttered personal in-box.”

9)      If you wait until the very last minute to shop, it pays to be flexible. “Merchants don’t want to disappoint customers, but despite every effort, some items may be sold out or backordered.” Montella says. “Have alternative items in mind if first choices aren’t available.”

10)  Count to it, ten that is. “Remember, it’s the twelve days of Christmas, not the twelve minutes,” Montella says. Too overwhelmed to choose the “perfect gift?” Montella recommends gift certificates. “We’ll send Lillian Vernon certificates in an attractive package with our latest catalog. Choose the amount you want to spend—then sit back and relax!” she advises.

About Lillian Vernon Corporation
Lillian Vernon Corporation is a leading American catalog merchant and online retailer that sells household, organizational, children’s and fashion accessory products. A pioneer in customized merchandise, Lillian Vernon offers 14 different kinds of personalization and personalizes 5.3 million products a year. The company publishes two catalog titles: Lillian Vernon and Lilly’s Kids. Lillian Vernon’s corporate headquarters and distribution center are located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Lillian Vernon has been owned by Sun Capital Partners, Inc. since 2006.

About Sun Capital Partners, Inc.
Sun Capital Partners, Inc. is a leading private investment firm focused on leveraged buyouts, equity, debt, and other investments in market-leading companies that can benefit from its in-house operating professionals and experience. Sun Capital affiliates have invested in and managed more than 140 companies worldwide with combined sales in excess of $33.0 billion since Sun Capital’s inception in 1995. Sun Capital has offices in Boca Raton, Los Angeles, and New York, and affiliates with offices in London, Tokyo, and Shenzhen, China.

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