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Located halfway between Norfolk, Va., and North Carolina's Outer Banks, Elizabeth City is a charmer of a destination. (Justin Falls Photo)
Located halfway between Norfolk, Va., and North Carolina's Outer Banks, Elizabeth City is a charmer of a destination. (Justin Falls Photo)

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Powerboats get set for the Carolina Cup Regatta held each spring in Elizabeth City, N.C. (Dave Lawson Photo)
Powerboats get set for the Carolina Cup Regatta held each spring in Elizabeth City, N.C. (Dave Lawson Photo)

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Waterfront festivals are plentiful in Elizabeth City, N.C. (Irene Pollack Photo)
Waterfront festivals are plentiful in Elizabeth City, N.C. (Irene Pollack Photo)

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Bringing together craftsmen from throughout the Albemarle, the Albemarle Craftsman's Fair is held each October in Elizabeth City, N.C. (Justin Falls Photo)
Bringing together craftsmen from throughout the Albemarle, the Albemarle Craftsman's Fair is held each October in Elizabeth City, N.C. (Justin Falls Photo)

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Seafaring apparitions come to life during the Elizabeth City Historic Ghost Walk. (Justin Falls Photo)
Seafaring apparitions come to life during the Elizabeth City Historic Ghost Walk. (Justin Falls Photo)

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